What is the BEST TOOTHPASTE for decay prevention?!

What is the BEST TOOTHPASTE for decay prevention?!
Toothpaste is recognized to be the most commonly used oral care product. Based on evidence, its caries prevention efficacy and efficiency have been proven in the literature.
The toothpaste ingredients are constantly changing due to manufacturer’s competition. It is becoming so hard for dentists to recommend the best toothpaste and for patients to choose for their daily use.
In that context, the following are some advices that need to be familiar with, to help you choosing the best toothpaste for you:
1- Presence of FLUORIDE is important. It available in several compounds, such as, amino F, Sodium F and MonoFluroPhosphate, it depends on the manufacturer preferences.
2- For ADULTS ONLY the concentration of Fluride has to be at least 1450-1500 ppm.
3- Avoid WHITENING toothpaste or those for stain removal. Mostly it contains abrasive substances that might harm the tooth enamel on the long term usage.
4- Avid using toothpaste that contains antibacterial products regularly.