"The key of esthetics is to return to that natural mold humankind has been created in"
H. Sonbul


A Bespoke Smile Matters !

Helal Sonbul Helal Sonbul

I would like to take a moment to thank you for visiting my website. Regardless of who you are, I am assuming you are seeking ways to deliver or acquire a stunning
natural smile!. Well, congratulations! I believe you have come to the right place. I am here to provide you with a wealth of accumulated knowledge, personal experience and future visions in the field of Restorative Dentistry. I have worked exceptionally hard to make this guide enjoyable, simple and digestible for both practitioners and patients.
I am immensely excited to share with you my philosophy for Esthetic Dentistry in particular and that is defined in my following Motto ; True esthetic approach should be holistic, balanced and unique
Finally , please feel free to roam around in, as I strongly urge you to embark on this journey and discover the world of Esthetic dentistry through the “matrix” of my eyes.
dr_crescent @SonbulHelal


هل حشوات الأسنان تعتبر علاج للتسوس؟
Dec 15, 2018

هل حشوات الأسنان تعتبر علاج للتسوس؟

من الملفت للنظر أن الكثيرين يعتقدون أن الحشوات هي العلاج النهائي لتسوس الأسنان، بل ان البعض يكون جل اهتمامه هو لون الحشوه ونوعها وفي المقابل ليس لديه علم ان حالة السن لا تستدعي وضع حشوه اطلاقا !!.
العنايه اليوميه للوقايه من تسوس الأسنان
Nov 12, 2017

العنايه اليوميه للوقايه من تسوس الأسنان

هناك اختلافات كثيرة في استخدام طريقة الفرشاة والمعجون لدى أفراد المجتمع البالغين وذلك نظرا لاختلاف مصدر المعلومة لذلك يوصى دائما بتوثيق المصدر والتأكد قبل الشروع في الاتباع للوقاية من تسوس الاسنان.
ماهو أفضل معجون للوقايه من تسوس الأسنان ؟!
Jul 29, 2017

ماهو أفضل معجون للوقايه من تسوس الأسنان ؟!

على وجه العموم لا يجب وصف او اختيار معجون اسنان باسم الشركه المنتجه، وإنما بحسب مكونات المعجون المناسبه للشخص من أي شركة كانت. لذلك نوصي بقراءة المكونات قبل شراء أي منتج نستخدمه لأجسامنا!


Replacing a missing central !
Dec 19, 2019

Replacing a missing central !

Replacing a central incisor is a challenging task to accomplish. Meticulous analysis is imperative to do beforehand.
Restoring " WINDOW OF THE  SMILE"  is abslutely a challenge !
Mar 30, 2019

Restoring " WINDOW OF THE SMILE" is abslutely a challenge !

Several factors might compromise the esthetic outcome. Indeed, the two centrals are considered the window of a pleasant smile. Proper case analysis and material selection based on knowledge are the imperative keys for successful outcome.
Dec 15, 2018


Our teeth have been created in layers. The final shade of a tooth is based collectively on the effect of placing those layers on top of each other with different thickness, opacities, chroma and value. In order to restore such an effect, these layers should be built in successive manner using correct materials.


Oct 5, 2021


Applied science of designing and arranging objects so that people interact more efficiently and safely with surroundings
A natural-looking composite restoration: when Science meets Practice (Jeddah)
Aug 22, 2019

A natural-looking composite restoration: when Science meets Practice (Jeddah)

The missing link between understanding the optical properties of teeth and how it would be successfully applied in our daily practice to achieve a natural look will be simply addressed. Participants will acquire the evidence-based approach and knowledge, in addition to crucial restorative skills to predictably and accurately restore teeth with direct composite restorations in anterior esthetic zone.
A natural-looking composite restoration: when Science meets Practice
Aug 22, 2019

A natural-looking composite restoration: when Science meets Practice

The restorative field is constantly and rapidly evolving as new materials and techniques are invented and the need for dentists to keep up-to-date becomes progressively more challenging and potentially rewarding. In the present course, the underlying concept of how our eyes can see object and perceive colors with its three dimensions (hue, chroma and value) will be concurrently utilized and applied in each step of restoring anterior tooth using direct composite restoration.