Does dental restoration considered treatment for dental caries?

Does dental restoration considered treatment for dental caries?
  • Dec 15, 2018
Initial caries should not be restored. it should be treated conservatively

Daily care of your teeth

Daily care of your teeth
  • Nov 12, 2017
There are many differences among people regarding how to take care of their teeth.

What is the BEST TOOTHPASTE for decay prevention?!

What is the BEST TOOTHPASTE for decay prevention?!
  • Jul 29, 2017
Generally speaking, one should not choose a toothpaste based on the name of the manufacturer. It should be based on the ingredients that suit the patient regardless to the name of the company. I therefore recommend to read the compositions on the back of a product that would be used daily for our body!.

Home Bleaching

Home Bleaching
  • Jun 10, 2017
Home bleaching is considered one of the safest way for teeth bleaching, if the instructions were followed correctly